Legend has it that in ancient times, a volcano woke up in the distant Mediterranean. All the inhabitants of the area took to their heels. But there was
nowhere to retreat: the lava and volcanic ash were fast approaching, oppressing all living things all the way to the lake itself. The body of water was so wide that it was impossible to swim across. And then a son of the gods named Oleander came to the aid of the people: he drank all the water, practically emptying the lake. When the lake became shallow, people were able to run further away from the overtaking ash and lava. But Oleander himself was so heavy from the water that he could not budge. Volcanic lava engulfed him. But when everything stopped and the haze cleared away, an amazing bush grew on the shore of the lake.

The name of this shrub is Oleander!

The oleander is an evergreen shrub with beautiful and fragrant flowers. In ancient times, oleanders were grown for decorative purposes in the palaces and gardens of the rich.

People believe that the flower is able to absorb bad energy.

Oleanders are also considered to be the most poisonous plants.

Oleander juice contains cardiac glycosides that can lead not only to the poisoning of the body, but even to cardiac arrest and coma.

In India, oleander flowers are considered traditional for funerals.

If oleander juice gets into your eyes, you can permanently lose your eyesight.
One cannot light a fire from the branches of the plant, because you can even get
poisoned by the smoke emanating from it.

It is said that a Maltese woman, upon learning about the betrayal of her beloved,
serves him a plate of food along with an oleander flower. This is meant to give him the first warning. And if he betrays her a second time, the woman will bring food no longer with a flower, but with poison!